For this assignment, you’ll write a one-page, single spaced Reflection on your e


For this assignment, you’ll write a one-page, single spaced Reflection on your e

For this assignment, you’ll write a one-page, single spaced Reflection on your experience in this class and what you learned. Be sure to include the information in the prompt (below).
Reflect on your time in this class. Use standard, professional grammar and mechanics, and good paragraph structure. I’ve included a basic outline. Here is a link for one of the topics discussed in classs on that you can add in the reflection.
What were your goals and expectations coming into this class (as stated in your original Discussion Post)?
Did you reach your goals? Why or Why not?
Is there anything you would change or do differently if you had it to do over again?
What are the top 2 lessons you’ll expect to remember and/or use the most in the future?
This needs to be your authentic voice and work. If you use generative AI, make sure you disclose how you used it and include any prompts.
Your submission should be 400-600 words.
Any specific facts, stats, quotes, etc. that you use from our book or an outside source must be cited using APA style.


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