Final Paper Assignment Instructions (100 points): A 5-page paper, typed, double-


Final Paper Assignment Instructions (100 points):
A 5-page paper, typed, double-

Final Paper Assignment Instructions (100 points):
A 5-page paper, typed, double-spaced, following APA format will be completed. Choose a diagnosis or condition that interests you and is related to trends in healthcare treatment. Describe the role of occupational therapy in the treatment of this condition or diagnosis. Include the appropriate area of practice and types of OT interventions you would expect to see within the specified setting.
Students are required to choose any article by performing online research that supports the role of occupational therapy in the treatment of their chosen diagnosis/cognition. This initial article does not have to come from a peer-reviewed scholarly research journal. The student will submit the article and chosen topic and will write a paper based on the topic approved by the professor. A grading rubric will delineate the expectations of the paper for grading purposes.
NOTE: Your paper will be assessed by Turnitin plagiarism software on submission. If your
Turnitin (plagiarism) score is 50% or greater you will receive a ZERO (0) score on your
• 5 pages, not including the reference page or the title page. Points will be deducted from the final grade if the paper is more than 5 pages or less than 5 pages. An abstract is not needed.
• Use at least 5 references throughout your paper, 2 of which must be a peer-reviewed
research journal.
• American Psychological Association (APA-7th edition) in-text citation and an appropriate title and reference page.
• The association of this topic with occupational therapy intervention/services.
• The current role of occupational therapy providers with this area of interest. If a role is not currently established, is this an area that occupational therapy practitioners should be involved? What could be that role?
• Introduction—Provide a definition of the diagnosis/condition chosen. What is the background/history of this diagnosis/condition? What is clinical presentation of this condition?
• Issue(s) with topic—provide information on the status of this condition. Is this an area where there is conflicting opinion/research on the efficacy of the intervention or area of interest? Is there uniform research that points to the efficacy of the intervention or area of interest? Is the research inconclusive? Include in this portion of your paper research from journal articles/books to support your presentation of the status of this area of interest. In this area, the status can be a general perspective of the topic and not specifically related to occupational therapy.
• Role of occupational therapy with this area of interest: The association of this topic with occupational therapy intervention/services. In what practice areas can treatment interventions take place? What is the average length of stay? What type of OT interventions are expected to treat this condition? What is the current role of occupational therapy providers with this condition? If a role is not currently established, is this an area that occupational therapy practitioners should be involved? What could be that role?
• Conclusion—Summarize your paper in this section. What have you learned from this topic? Is what you learned the same or different from what you expected when you chose this topic? What will you utilize from what you have learned as you practice as an occupational therapy assistant?


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