Description You have been hired to upgrade the operating systems to handle both


have been hired to upgrade the operating systems to handle both

have been hired to upgrade the operating systems to handle both
near-term and future requirements for an enterprise that you are
familiar with or a fictitious enterprise. Throughout this course, you
will be developing a design for several core elements of operating
systems to produce a final proposal report to address new requirements
for moving to a distributed, virtual environment. The weekly Individual
Project assignments will culminate in the final Key Assignment.
Additional information and the deliverables for each Individual Project
will be provided in the assignment description for this project.
Project Selection:
The first step is to select an enterprise as the target for your
operating system upgrade proposal. This project will be used as the
basis for each of the assignments throughout the course and should
conform to the following guidelines:
Nontrivial: The selected enterprise should be large
enough to reflect the need to upgrade operating systems for a
distributed, virtual environment.
Domain Knowledge: You should be familiar enough with the organization to allow focus on its operating system’s needs.
Select an enterprise that fits these requirements, and submit your
proposal to your instructor before proceeding further with the
assignments in the course. Approval should be sought within the first
days of the course. Your instructor will tell you how to submit this
proposal and what notification will be given for project approval.
You will be developing a comprehensive operating system strategy
report for the assignments in this course. Your first task in this
process will be to select an enterprise to use as the basis of your
projects. You will also create the shell document for the final Key
Assignment project deliverable that you will be working on during each
unit. As you proceed through each project phase, you will add content to
each section of the final document to gradually complete the final
project delivery. Appropriate research should be conducted to support
the analysis in your report. Assumptions may be made when necessary.
Submit the project proposal to your instructor for approval.
Create the Operating Systems Design Document shell (8–9 pages, including blank pages)
Use Word
Title Page
Course number and name
Project name
Student name
Table of Contents
Use autogenerated TOC.
Separate page
Be sure to update the fields of the TOC so it is up-to-date before submitting your project.
Section Headings: Create each heading on a new page with “TBD”
as content except for the sections listed under New Content below.
Project outline
OS Processor and Core (Week 1)
Scheduling Algorithms (Week 2)
OS Concurrency Mechanism (Week 3)
OS Security Risks and Mitigation Strategy (Week 4)
Future Considerations Using Emerging Technology (Week 5)
New Content (2–3 pages)
Project Outline
Provide a brief description of the enterprise (can by hypothetical)
in which the design proposal has the potential of being adopted.
Provide a summary of current operating system in use.
Material can be taken from the approved proposal that was submitted to the instructor.
Be sure that this project is approved by the instructor.
OS Processor and Core
Discuss the benefits for upgrading the operating system utilizing a
multi-processor, multi-core configuration to support a distributed or
virtual environment.
Discuss the steps that will need to take place to upgrade the processor and core.
Describe which requirements this will support for the upgrade.
Name the document “YourName_CS630_IP1.doc.”
Submit the document for grading.


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