Describe two factors we should consider when evaluating an argument (discussed i


Describe two factors we should consider when evaluating an argument (discussed i

Describe two factors we should consider when evaluating an argument (discussed in Ch. 6 of THiNK: Critical Thinking and Logic Skills for Everyday Life). Why are they important?
After reading Ch. 7 and 8 in THiNK: Critical Thinking and Logic Skills for Everyday Life, describe in your own words how inductive and deductive arguments are different.
After reading the facial recognition articles from the University Library, what did you think about the things you considered in reading these articles related to currency of the information, reliability and accuracy, the sources, and the purpose of the articles?
Reflect on the learning activities, concepts, ideas, and topics covered this week and discuss the most interesting activity or concept you learned this week as well as if there are any concepts that are still a bit confusing to you or that you have questions on.  
Use at least one quote from this week’s course material within one of your discussion prompt responses to support your thoughts in your initial post.  Be sure to use APA referencing and include the reference. Just as a reminder the citation may be inline. For example: The author says “Critical thinking is a collection of skills we use every day that are necessary for our full intellectual and personal development” (Boss, 2021, p.28). You must then ALSO include underneath your post: Boss, J. (2021). THiNK: Critical thinking and logic skills for everyday life (5th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education. For more guidance see the Center for Writing Excellence. 


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