CLN 4U – Culminating Task (10% of overall grade) Comparative Essay Dates: Work P


CLN 4U – Culminating Task (10% of overall grade)
Comparative Essay
Work P

CLN 4U – Culminating Task (10% of overall grade)
Comparative Essay
Work Periods (May 22,28, June 4,6 and 10)
Bibliography- Due Tuesday, May 28 @
11:59 PM
Research Paper- Tuesday, June 11 @ 11:59 PM
Your final research essay topic will be chosen
by you. Please visit the course content in the vLe to view possible topics
(listed below as well). Please note the course content provides you with links
to begin your research if you choose from the list below. You are also able
to come up with your own topic; just be sure to get it approved.
Step 1:
Choose a legal issue
Some examples of contemporary issues might
include: workplace safety, access to clean water, resource extraction and
development, mental illness, decriminalization of street drugs, the justice
system, freedom of expression for journalists, the rule of law, piracy human
rights of children, wrongful convictions, prison conditions or the relationship
between certain groups and members of the justice community.
Essentially you can take on any legal issue
of your choice involving International Law, Domestic Criminal/Civil Law,
Environmental Law etc.
I would suggest taking on an issue of
controversy or one that has a good deal of research.
Step 2: Select
a Country of Interest to Compare with Canada
This is to be a comparative essay, where you
will take on a country of your choice and compare their legal practices with
Canada. The goal in the end should be an evaluation of which country operates
more efficiently.
3: Create and submit an annotated bibliography
(Due Tuesday, May 28 @ 11:59
PM) into the drop box.
We will go over the format of an annotated bibliography in class and I will
post the content as well.
Annotated Bibliography. You must submit all research under a proper
bibliographic reference by type of source
(Book, Website, Journal Article, etc) in
alphabetical order with summary of research
(brief description, how is it relevant,
how will it be used – see Annotated
Bibliography handout).
Your annotated bibliography must include have
4 – 6  varied sources. The annotated
bibliography counts as process work for the research essay and is a necessary
component for the final product. Failure to meet the deadline will result in a
loss of 10% per day.
4: Polish and submit the essay
Tuesday, June 11 @ 11:59 PM
As you research and write your final essay,
think through and apply the concepts of legal thinking that we have focused on
throughout the course.
These concepts should be central to your
inquiry, and clearly addressed in your final essay.
The final product must be
submitted on Tuesday, June 11 @ 11:59 PM. Failure to submit to drop box
on this day will result in a mark of zero.
Your paper should be between
1000-1200 words, 12pt. Font, Chicago Style
The topic I chose for this assignment is the similarity between European settlers taking native canadian land and how israeli settlers took palestinian land


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