chose a topic triggered for you, as a result of talking to your patient. The ess


chose a topic triggered for you, as a result of talking to your patient.
The ess

chose a topic triggered for you, as a result of talking to your patient.
The essay you decide to write should relate to either a psychological issue around illness and
health behaviour, or social factors affecting the patient’s development and experience of
illness. Alternatively, it could be a particular ethical issue of interest to you that is relevant to
the patient in question or could be significant in their future care.
Think about the patient’s health overall – not just the presenting condition. Patients may have
co-morbidities and the recent episode may be just one incident in a long-term condition.
If you decide to write an essay on ethics, consider what the legal as well as moral arguments
are and how they relate to the care and decisions around management in your patient’s case.
Apply these principles to the investigations, treatment and management that might be
appropriate for the patient’s health problems. Discuss ethical issues which you believe are (or
will be) raised in the treatment and care of your patient.
Topic already provided as title 
1. Introduction 
2. The Impact of Sickle Cell Disease on Artistic Pursuits: Challenges and Limitations
3. Ethical Considerations in Pain Management for Artists with Sickle Cell Disease
4. Access to Support Systems and Resources: Addressing Disparities in Care
5. Case Studies: Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Artists with Sickle Cell Disease
6. Conclusion 


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