Chapter 6: Mini-Case Hotel Flowchart and Blueprint Writing Requirements 3-4 page


Chapter 6: Mini-Case Hotel Flowchart and Blueprint
Writing Requirements
3-4 page

Chapter 6: Mini-Case Hotel Flowchart and Blueprint
Writing Requirements
3-4 pages in length (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list)
APA format
Please use the Case Study Guide as a reference point for writing your case study.
Grading Criteria:
PURPOSE & AUDIENCE 25%Addresses purpose effectively, uses assignment to explore topic’s intrinsic interest, shows full understanding of issues, engages audience, establishes credibility, uses headings, format and citation in APA style (where relevant) effectively25points
Adheres to purpose, Fulfills assignment, shows adequate understanding of key issues, style is appropriate to intended audience, presentation is readable, format is correct.
21 points
Waivers in purpose, incompletely addresses assigned topics or directions, shows more need to examine issues, style varies, and visual presentation is ragged.
19 points
Purpose unclear, failure to address topic or directions, weak group of issues, inappropriate style, careless or messy visual presentation
15 points
Purpose unclear, does not address topic or directions, does not address issues, inappropriate style, careless or messy visual presentation
0 points
ORGANIZATION 25%Focuses consistently on clearly expresses central idea, uses paragraph structure and transition guide reader effectively
Central idea is clear, paragraph structure is adequate, some problems with consistency, logic or transitions
21 points
Loose focus on central idea, contains some repetition and digression, structure needs work
19 points
Does not focus on central idea, contains many repetitions and digression, very weak structure.
15 points
No central idea, no clear logic or focus, many repetitions or digressions, lack of structure
0 points
DEVELOPMENT 25%Explores ideas vigorously, supports points fully using a balance of subjectivity and objective evidence, reasons effectively making useful distinctions.
Supports most ideas with effective examples and details, finds suitable balance between references to personal and external evidence, makes key distinctions.
21 points
Presents ideas in general terms support for ideas is inconsistent or unsuitably personal or distant, some distinctions need clarifications, reasoning unclear.
19 points
Most ideas unsupported, confusion between personal and external evidence, unclear use of distinctions or levels of generality
15 points
Ideas are unsupported, confusion between personal and external evidence, no distinctions between levels of generality,
0 points
LANGUAGE 25%Employs words with fluency, develops concise standard English sentences, balances a variety of sentence structures effectively
Word forms are correct, sentence structure is effective, applies standard English grammar and mechanics
21 points
Word forms and sentence structures are adequate to convey basic meaning, errors cause noticeable distraction
19 points
Word use is weak, sentence structures are uneven, errors are very distracting
15 points
Word use is unclear, sentence structures inadequate for clarity, errors seriously distracting
0 points


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