It is of primary importance that you carefully read each part of the instruction


It is of primary importance that you carefully read each part of the instruction

It is of primary importance that you carefully read each part of the instructions, so you understand what to do. I have tried my best to make it very clear. Note: You will be taking either Nozick’s position or Rawls’ position in your essay. And you will need to grasp and discuss in detail their arguments in the essay. You need to be clear on this. It is not a “write anything you want/feel” essay. It is, in part, checking your ability to read arguments; and then grasp, and articulate your reasoning on this issue, using two opposing viewpoints that have stood the test of time, and are worth considering.
I cannot overemphasize this: I expect you to have read the relevant chapters, watched the PP presentations, and to have read the online article noted in the instructions. I expect you to follow the instructions I have given. If you do not do so, the result will be catastrophic for your grade on the assignment.
The instructions for the essay are found in 3 separate documents in this week’s Module. Take one at a time, and make sure you read, understand, and follow the instructions as I’ve given them. Please ask if you need further clarifications.
you need the book: JUSTICE
MICHAEL I SANDEL for the essay.


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