Your Final Paper must be ~15-20 pages in length formatted following APA standard


Your Final Paper must be ~15-20 pages in length formatted following APA standard

Your Final Paper must be ~15-20 pages in length formatted following APA standard guidelines (double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman), Table of Contents, and References. .
It is very important to follow proper APA guidelines for citations and references. Refer to your APA Publication Manual for the correct format.
Submit your assignment as a Word file (with a .doc extension). Be sure to properly name your file similar to this: smith_ja_SPM 612_finalpaper, where “smith_ja” is your last name and two initials. Use underscores (Shift Minus) to separate the components of the file name.
Organizational structure – of any college or professional sports team or specific organization
Organizational behavior – same – what is the organizational behavior of the Los Angeles Lakers now they did not make the playoffs
Types of Goals – what is the overall objective and goals of NASCAR with recruiting minority drivers and fans? What is the overall goal for the Tampa Bay Rays as a low-income and low base pay rate franchise – is it to win the world series or just be competitive? 
These are all types of things you can think about. 


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