Historical Analysis Essay Revise : My professor left this comment and i have one


Historical Analysis Essay Revise : My professor left this comment and i have one

Historical Analysis Essay Revise : My professor left this comment and i have one chance to fix , please help me correct issues to get a good grade.
Professor Comment: Some uncredited quotations.
“Prior to writing the novel in 1948, Orwell had watched the communist revolution in Russia and volunteered to fight against the Fascist government in the Spanish Civil War. At first supportive of the Russian Revolution, Orwell changed his opinions after realizing that behind the veneer of justice and equality lurked widespread famines, forced labor, internal power struggles, and political repression. While fighting in the Spanish Civil War, Orwell became disillusioned with elements within the resistance forces that he felt wanted to replace the Fascist government with an authoritarian regime of its own. These experiences provide much of the political satire of 1984.”
Your essay:
“Prior to composing the novel in 1948, Orwell carefully monitored the communist revolution in
Russia and actively participated in the fight against the Fascist regime during the Spanish Civil
War. Initially sympathetic towards the Russian Revolution, Orwell’s views underwent a
transformation when he became aware that beneath the facade of fairness and egalitarianism lay
pervasive famines, coerced labor, internal power conflicts, and political suppression. While
involved in the Spanish Civil War, Orwell became disillusioned with specific sections within the
resistance forces. He was convinced that these factions sought to replace the Fascist regime with
their own authoritarian tyranny (Slimani 54). These experiences play a key role in shaping the
political satire present in 1984.”
Credit all sources, including those that don’t rise to the level of “academic.”
Paraphrase and summary require writers to use their own syntax.
Quotations that have been edited for clarity may signal edits through the use of brackets.
Please revise.


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