Your overall instructions for this assignment are in your first module : Primary


Your overall instructions for this assignment are in your first module : Primary

Your overall instructions for this assignment are in your first module : Primary-Source-Responses.pdf  
I would like you to consider the following prompt and questions: 
No one has had as much influence in the course of history as Jesus of Nazareth, also known as “Christ” (or Messiah).  And yet, even in his own day, there were disputes about who Jesus was, what he was saying, and what he was aiming to accomplish.  Well beyond his death and resurrection, the nature, significance, and theology of Jesus the “Christ” continued to be debated.  For this response, consider how early Christian writers and communities from the late 1st century to the 4th century CE understood Jesus.  The first three sources come from the Gospels that were included in the canonical New Testament.  The fourth and fifth sources (the Infancy Gospel and the Gospel of Thomas) represent non-canonical Gospels, i.e., gospels that were not included in the New Testament.  The sixth and seventh sources provide commentary on the significance of Jesus from Early Christian writers. 
Question(s): What do the following sources indicate about the diversity and unity of belief in the Roman world about the person and significance of Jesus the Christ? 
PSR – JesusDownload PSR – Jesus


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