In these last several units, we covered a number of important concepts related t


In these last several units, we covered a number of important concepts related t

In these last several units, we covered a number of important concepts related to systems safety including safety analysis, hazard analysis, decision science, and hierarchy of controls. In this assignment you are asked to create a PowerPoint presentation that presents an overview of these main concepts. After reviewing your unit lessons and background readings, please prepare a PowerPoint presentation of 8 or more content slides that cover the following main topics.
Discuss the role of safety analysis in engineering.
Explain the relationship between systems safety and proper application of hierarchy of         controls.
Discuss the concept of decision science in system safety engineering.
Describe techniques of safety. analysis as they apply to engineered work systems.
Explain the relationship between hazard analysis, safety analysis, and system safety.
Your PowerPoint Presentation must include at least 8 content slides. Include a title slide with your name,    date, and title of the presentation. Include a reference slide for all sources used in the presentation. The     title and reference slides do not count toward the minimum number of slides. Your slides should utilize    bullet points. Do not include full paragraphs of written text as this is not conducive to a good presentation. Please use the speaker notes function on the slides to add supplementary notes and information that you would use to aid you in your presentation. You should cite and reference at least three credible sources to support your main points. Also, please cite and reference any images you borrow from other sources. Use APA Style when formatting your references and citations.


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