Assignment Guidelines: 3-pages length, Times New Roman, 12 Font, double-spaced,


Assignment Guidelines: 3-pages length, Times New Roman, 12 Font, double-spaced,

Assignment Guidelines: 3-pages length, Times New Roman, 12 Font, double-spaced, top left
header, and an original essay title centered at the top of your first page. A Works Cited page must
be submitted with your essay. Your essay must include at least 5 paragraphs: Introduction, at
least three body paragraphs, and a conclusion
The Assignment: You are to compose a 3-page comparative essay comparing at least two
different vampire narratives (a list of suggestions will be given) with regards to the frame of
reference(s) (main theme) you have chosen. In what ways are these narratives similar? And in
what ways are they different? What do these similarities (or differences) tell us about the nature
of their relationship? Why do you think it is important for us to read or think about these two
different narratives in relation to each other?
You will be given two selections from narratives you may choose to use for the assignment, but
you are not limited to these two narratives: Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” and Stephenie Meyer’s
The narratives you choose to include for your essay may include literature, film or television.
Remember to pay attention to the purpose of the assignment: the focus of your essay should be
the interesting similarities/differences found in the narratives and not simply a retelling of the
Intro: Get your reader’s attention, discuss why this is important or interesting to your reader,
and state your thesis or claim …more listed in the document attached 


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