he project should include the following: 1. Introduce the research question. Wha


he project should include the following:
1. Introduce the research question.

he project should include the following:
1. Introduce the research question.
What is the research question?
Why is it an appropriate question for sociological research?
What are some hypotheses what could be tested?
2. Discuss/explain/review the literature.
What research has been done on issues and concepts related to your research question?
What does the existing literature say about the issues and concepts in your research question?
What shortcomings (if any) in the research will be remedied by your research?
How will research add to what other researchers have done?
3. Discus how you will/would collect your data.
Which research method will you use (survey, experiment, interviews, observation, unobtrusive)?
Why did you choose this method?
How would you conduct your research or implement your research method?
What would you observe?
What questions would you ask in your interviews or on your survey?
What type of experiment would you conduct?
4. Discuss your findings/expected findings.
What would you expect to find?
What would be some possible findings?
How would you report your findings?
What did your find?
5. Discuss what directions future research should take.
What research questions should be addressed next based on your research findings?
This project should be submitted in the Project 3 folder in Assignments under the Assessments tab in D2L.
If you would like Dr. Hunt to look at drafts of any of your projects, send them to me as an email attachment at least two working days before the due date
and I will look over them and give you general comments back about how you can improve them. You do not have to have me review them, but I am willing to if
you want me to.
To submit a project, use the Assignment tool under the Assessments tab at the top of the course page in D2L and attach your file in the particular project
folder. However, I will not review any projects that have been submitted in a folder. For a review, you must send them to me as an email attachment with a note
telling me you want me to review it.
Grading Rubrics for each of the Projects can be found under the Assessments tab on our D2L course page. You can also see them if you click on the
submission folder for each of the Projects using the Assignments tool under the Assessments tab.
For my research project, I am using the research question: How do gender 
stereotypes and social norms influence women’s participation and 
experiences in the sport of golf? My hypothesis is that women who have fewer gender stereotypes associated with golf and feel less pressure from social norms will have higher levels of participation and engagement in golf compared to those who have higher stereotypes and norms.


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