Below is the instructions to the acceptable research and attached is the ethics


Below is the instructions to the acceptable research and attached is the ethics

Below is the instructions to the acceptable research and attached is the ethics application which describe the subject and approach, we need 70+ references harvard style and balagirism free pls.
Component 1: Action Research Project Report
You are required to submit a 10,000 word action research project report via Canvas at module end.  You submit it to the Component 1 submission point for Element 010, accessed via the ‘Assignments’ tab on Canvas.  The report is marked out of 100 marks and is weighted at 80%.
You will undertake an action research project focused on understanding and supporting entrepreneurial action in practice.  This is to be undertaken on an individual basis and could be an applied/engaged research project to address an immediate organisational issue, an enterprise consultancy project which addresses an opportunity or challenge faced by an entrepreneurial organisation or researching and developing a new business proposition or idea.
This project needs to provide you with an opportunity to understand and manage how to move from opportunity to idea, to action.  This could relate to your study or employability interests and/or current interests within the entrepreneurial management field.
In undertaking the project, students are expected to:
(i) source their own opportunity or idea,
(ii) develop a case for why this opportunity to idea is worthy of consideration as a project, particularly in terms of its value to the appropriate community of practice,
(iii) develop a project plan to ensure completion within the identified timescales,
(iv) acquire the appropriate resources and internal and external support to develop and deliver the project,
(v) manage the project in terms of moving from idea to action and
(vi) reflect on the development of the project against key themes in the academic and grey (i.e. policy and practice) literature related to being enterprising, the role of the individual in moving an idea from concept to action; and the influence of the entrepreneurial task environment.
The deadline for submission of a draft of your completed project report for formative feedback via email to your supervisor is communicated on Canvas in the form of an Announcement.
As per the Feedback Policy on this module your supervisor is only permitted to comment on up to 20% of your completed project report draft. 
When you email your supervisor with your draft you MUST highlight which areas you specifically want feedback on and why.  You should also include your own assessment of your report against the marking criteria.  A template is provided as part of the assessment tasks to help you with this.
If you do not specify what 20% you want feedback on (and why), providing a copy of your self-assessment, your supervisor will not provide you with formative feedback.


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