Dear for this project i need you to have a clear understanding of project manage


Dear for this project i need you to have a clear understanding of project manage

Dear for this project i need you to have a clear understanding of project management i
need you to use project management skills 
the project this I want you to manage is currently under development it’s called 
“Qiddiya” project saudi arabia  
what the instructor wants: 
What They Want:
Application of Project Management Tools: Students are expected to employ various project management tools to assist in the planning, execution, and closing phases of the project cycle.
Development of SMART Goals: The use of SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goal techniques is critical in defining the tasks and activities necessary to progress through the project milestones.
Real-world Relevance: The report should focus on a real project within the hospitality sector that has already been initiated, providing a hands-on approach to learning.
Professional Presentation: The formatting and organization of the report must reflect professionalism and are considered as part of the grading.
Methods Used:
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): This involves identifying and detailing at least five tasks per milestone, aligned with the triple constraint model (cost, time, scope).
RACI Chart: Mapping of roles and responsibilities for each task in the WBS to ensure clarity in execution.
Project Execution & Closure: Detailed description of responsibilities during these phases, including task assignment, monitoring progress, and formalizing project closure among others.
Academic Integrity: Proper citation and acknowledgment of sources using APA format, with a special note on declaring any AI-generated material used in the report.
Submission Guidelines: The report must be submitted electronically through Turnitin, and adherence to submission timelines and formats is strictly enforced.
Also I need to see number (Money) for this project how much it will cost 
Kindly read the outline for more infromation 


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