Step 1. Identify a topic (Sirenomelia) that relates to human growth and developm


Step 1. Identify a topic (Sirenomelia) that relates to human growth and development.
Step 2. Use this P1.selecting a topic.docx chart to narrow your topic (note- fill in each section with your own information). Step 3. Once you have narrowed your topic, create an outline of the main points and sub-points you plan to discuss in your paper. The outline should consist of headings, phrases, and sentences. Do not include full paragraphs. This alphanumeric outline is a skeleton highlighting your ideas. SEE sample here >outline template.dep2004.docx
Step 4. The reference page should include a minimum of 1 source but can contain as many sources as you used to complete this assignment.
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*Upload a Word document or a PDF
*Review the rubric
MODULE C | PAPER: Written communication is a valuable skill in the 21st century


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