assignment 1 Related to Chapter 3, respond to one of the following questions: (5


assignment 1
Related to Chapter 3, respond to one of the following questions: (5 points.)
Give an example of where you have observed the moral model of disability expressed toward someone with an acquired disability.
What are some of the problems with the medical model view of disability? Explain the concept of ableism and its impact on those with disabilities. Share your thoughts in a minimum of 120 words. Submit to the associated D2L dropbox. Be sure to use Word for your assignment.
Assignment 2
Go to this website and learn about the work of these local disability advocates and activists, Squirmy and Grubs. Also go to their YouTube channel and watch at least three of the videos they have shared there. Answer these questions (5 points.)
What do you think about their work? Are they successfully meeting their goal of “normalizing the disability experience?”
120 minimum word count, submit as a Word document to the associated D2l dropbox.


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