For this assessment: • Build on the preliminary plan, developed in Assessment 1,


For this assessment:
• Build on the preliminary plan, developed in Assessment 1,

For this assessment:
• Build on the preliminary plan, developed in Assessment 1, to complete a comprehensive care coordination plan. – See attached document for assessment 1 entitled 4050-1
• Scholarly APA-formatted paper, 5–7 pages in length, not including title page and reference list.
• Support your care coordination plan with peer-reviewed articles, course study resources, and Healthy People 2030 resources. Cite at least three credible sources under 5 years old.
This assessment provides an opportunity to research the literature and apply evidence to support what communication, teaching, and learning best practices are needed for a hypothetical patient with a selected health care problem of Substance Abuse
Grading Requirements: Be sure to address each point below:
• Design patient-centered health interventions and timelines for a selected health care problem.
• Address three health care issues.
• Design an intervention for each health issue.
• Identify three community resources for each health intervention.
• Consider ethical decisions in designing patient-centered health interventions.
• Consider the practical effects of specific decisions.
• Include the ethical questions that generate uncertainty about the decisions you have made.
• Identify relevant health policy implications for the coordination and continuum of care.
• Cite specific health policy provisions.
• Describe priorities that a care coordinator would establish when discussing the plan with a patient and family member, making changes based upon evidence-based practice.
• Clearly explain the need for changes to the plan.
• Use the literature on evaluation as a guide to compare learning session content with best practices, including how to align teaching sessions to the Healthy People 2030 document.
• • Use the literature on evaluation as guide to compare learning session content with best practices.
• Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contains few errors in grammar/punctuation, word choice, and spelling.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
• Competency 1: Adapt care based on patient-centered and person-focused factors.
o Analyze a health concern and the associated best practices for health improvement.
• Competency 2: Collaborate with patients and family to achieve desired outcomes.
o Describe specific goals that should be established to address a selected health care problem.
• Competency 3: Create a satisfying patient experience.
o Identify available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care.
• Competency 6: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead patient-centered care.
o Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contains few errors in grammar/punctuation, word choice, and spelling.
o Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references, exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format.


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