I know she wants an explanation of the Electoral College for the first part of i


I know she wants an explanation of the Electoral College for the first part of i

I know she wants an explanation of the Electoral College for the first part of it.  We are only allowed to use the sources provided below: But here are the instructions she listed . Important: To ensure academic integrity, it is important to cite your sources properly and avoid plagiarism. Additionally, when writing an academic paper, it is important to use clear and concise language and to support your arguments with evidence and examples. It is also important to follow the specific guidelines and requirements set by your professor to ensure that your work meets the necessary standards. Do not use external sources; To provide ample evidence, facts, or examples, it is recommended that you cite at least four to five sources. Keeping this in mind will ensure that your work is well-supported and grounded in reliable information. Please do not copy and paste the questions.
Your paper should consist of an introduction, body, and conclusion.  The warm-up and main assignments provide guiding questions for analyzing the topic. Please use only the assigned sources and refrain from using any external sources for this assignment. Without using the information gathered from both the warmup and main assignments, drafting a comprehensive paper would not be possible.
“The Constitution provides for a system of electors to elect the President and Vice President of the United States. These electors are chosen to represent each state in the Electoral College.”
Upon completing the introductory task of warming up and reviewing the assigned videos and articles, using the knowledge you gained from the warmup activity and additional materials, please respond to the following essay questions.
In what ways does the Electoral College support democracy? In what ways is it undemocratic?
What are two ways the Electoral College system makes people feel like their votes don’t count?
Do you think the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is a good idea? Why or why not?
What other ideas can you think of for reforming the Electoral College system? 



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