The journal should be about 6-7 pages (typed). It would be your own reader’s res


The journal should be about 6-7 pages (typed). It would be your own reader’s res

The journal should be about 6-7 pages (typed). It would be your own reader’s response on at least 5-6 reading assignments. It will be assessed on the clarity of expression, originality, and the effectiveness with which you convey your appreciation (or lack of) the material at hand. You should convey the impression that you have carefully read and understood the material.
You can record personal impressions to selections you read, sum up your understanding of a reading in a few sentences, comment on readings that gave you trouble, free write in response to study questions you invent, or reflect on your reading process (for example, record how long you read in one sitting and what conditions make it easier or more difficult to read.) You can also give an account of what you were thinking as you were reading a given text.
You have to incorporate 12 vocabulary words (bolded or underlined) in your journal
I have provided the glossary pdf please choose the vocabulary words from there and incorporate it in the journal. 
I have also provided 5 readings 
1- equal in Paris 
2- life and death of a Filipino American (ignore the other stories in the pdf)
3- Rite of encounter 
4- Be American 
5- kaiser and the war 
Above are all the information and guidelines provided for the journal, please let me know if there’s any 


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