United States History to 1877  Voices of Freedom Give Me Liberty  1600 words  Pi


United States History to 1877 
Voices of Freedom
Give Me Liberty 
1600 words 

United States History to 1877 
Voices of Freedom
Give Me Liberty 
1600 words 
Pick an era in US History (Beginnings to 1877) and address this Big Picture Question: Who was
granted the liberty and rights, and who was excluded? Your paper will want to analyze the
following questions and prompts based on your selected Voices of Freedom document(s):
What specific rights and liberties are you going to address?
Who did not have access to these freedoms and why were they excluded? In other words,
what was the justification for their exclusion? [Note: I highly suggest focusing on one
group/demographic, rather than trying to address several groups.]
How did those that were excluded respond? Go beyond the exploitation, marginalization,
and oppression. Instead display their agency, detailing how they were active agents of
Address their legacy: What accomplishments did they make (think short- and/or long-
term)? As Margaret Mead stated, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed
citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
It is important to understand that successful writing requires students to write a coherent essay, create an effective introduction, organize a “storyline,” and come to a conclusion. In addition, all assertions must be justified with evidence. Remember, everyone has a right to their own opinion, but must backup it up with real evidence, and real evidence requires citations.
Essays are to be 1,500-2,000 words and double-spaced. All papers must have a title, integrate specific cited evidence from your Voices of Freedom and Give Me Liberty books. You are not required to cite other sources. Students may use additional sources but must submit them with the Phase I deadline. Keep in mind, they must be credible and academic sources (that means no Wikipedia!). Do not be shy and seek the help of our wonderful research librarians. Finally, use the same citation format/standards as you did for Discussion Boards and Short Essays and include a works cited page at the end.
If you are having difficulty choosing a topic, ask yourself the following questions:
What era interests me? What era do I want to learn more about?
What topics interest me? What do I want to learn more about?
Politics and government? Women’s Rights? Civil Rights? Foreign Policy? Culture and
Society? War? Racial and ethnic minorities? Economics?


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