Did Mahler identify, exclusively or in part, as Jewish? as German? as Bohemian?


Did Mahler identify, exclusively or in part, as Jewish? as German? as Bohemian? as Austrian? Do these questions matter? If so, why and how and to whom?
Using your best prose style, write the first draft of an essay of approximately 1,500 words (approximately 2,500 words for graduate students) in which you weigh in on this complex matter.
Obviously, you will be expressing your opinion on these questions, but your opinion, whatever it might be, should be informed by your careful—and critical—consideration of all the literature we have read to date in this course. I suggest you also read Barham, “‘The Ghost in the Machine’: Thomas Koschat and the volkstümlich in Mahler’s Fifth Symphony,” which is available under the tab > Files > Readings. Since we will not be considering the Fifth Symphony in this class, you need not “get into the weeds” of Barham’s discussion of the music. But do take note of the claims and observations he makes regarding identity issues.


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