please respond to the following discussion post as a peer making a comment. ” He


please respond to the following discussion post as a peer making a comment. ” Hello,
My project’s evaluation plans consists of a variety of steps and activities that will measure the development of the project’s objectives, implementation process, and the success. The steps and activities will be broken down into categories as needed. Learning objectives (LOs) are used to communicate the purpose of instruction. Done well, they convey the expectations that the instructor—and by extension, the academic field—has in terms of what students should know and be able to do after completing a course of study (Orr et al., 2022). Once LOs and assessments are both established, the instructional activities will help the project team master the material. The following steps will be carried out to ensure the assessment procedure will be adapted to meet all requirements of the project’s goals.
Definition of Objectives – is the goal or purpose of a project. This is the first step in the process of evaluating the project which will involve defining the objectives and goals. Defining the objectives, timeline, resources, and outcomes anticipated is also intertwined in the is step.
Data Collection – For reasons of transparency, it is essential for all decisions as well as the underlying reasoning to be well-documented (Busetto et al., 2020). Data collected will be used as an evaluation tool and is the 2nd step in the evaluation process. Data will be collected from surveys, observations, metrics and resources. The data that is collected will be used to measure the progress that has been made thus far and will also evaluate the impact of the project.
Analysis of Data – The next step is to conduct an analysis of data that has been gathered. The data from the analysis will help in determining areas of the project that are doing well and areas that need improvements.
Creation of an Evaluation Report – This is the very last step in an evaluation process and will be the creation of a new evaluation tool. The data that has been collected and analyzed will be summarized in this report along with any recommendations for improvements and areas of success.
For the project to be successful in achieving the desired end goals throughout the implementation process, the steps listed above must be completed on a consistent basis. The evaluation method will utilized to determine the extent in which the initiative has impacted patients who are assigned to triage (Super Track). The evaluation report will ensure the project has benefited the ST patients the most and patients are being triaged properly. Surveys, patient interviews, observations, and regular reporting all will be incorporated into the evaluation plan to ensure the evaluation process is accurate, comprehensive, and thoroughly conducted. Busetto, L., Wick, W. & Gumbinger, C. How to use and assess qualitative research methods. Neurological Research and Practice. 2, 14 (2020).
Orr, R. B., Csikari, M. M., Freeman, S., & Rodriguez, M. C. (2022). Writing and Using Learning Objectives. CBE Life Sciences Education, 21(3), fe3.


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