Find a work of art that has meaning to you. This can be any type of visual art –


Find a work of art that has meaning to you. This can be any type of visual art – a sculpture, a painting, an installation, an illustration, a photograph, a print, etc. For example, was there a children’s book with illustrations that you loved as a child? Did you view a sculpture or architectural structure on some important occasion? Is there a painting or drawing that changed your perspective on Art?
There are numerous reasons to find an artwork important. Find one that has meaning to you and create a well-organized, grammatically correct essay of at least 250 words that describes the work and explains your assessment of its significance. In your description of the work, be sure to include five or more of the following art terms: line, color, texture, shape, space, composition, balance, symmetry (symmetrical), asymmetry (asymmetrical), style, tone, hue, value. Please be sure to bold these terms in your writing.
Include with your essay an image of the work (you may embed the jpg in your paper), the artist or architect who created it, and the date it was created. To sum up requirements, I am looking for:
An organized, well structured, grammatically correct essay that is at least 250 words long. No formal writing format required. The reasons the work is important to you.
A description of the artwork that includes the artist’s name, the date the work was created, an image of the work, and correct use of the terminology (above).


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