First, in your own words, briefly discuss the differences between serial murder,


First, in your own words, briefly discuss the differences between serial murder, mass murder, and spree murder. Provide at least three differences between each of the above concepts. Also, cite at least one example of an actual case of serial murder, mass murder, and spree murder. Next, when discussing the various motivations of serial murder, what type of serial murderer do you believe that serial killer, Gary Ridgeway is and why? It must be evident that you have a familiarity with this killer, and you need to fully support your answer. Next consider the FBI’s new definition of serial murder in 2008. In your opinion, is this new definition too broad or is it the best definition to date? Defend your argument and fully elaborate. Finally, after reading and reflecting upon Chapter Two, why do you suppose the notion of evil so difficult to define? Identify and fully discuss at least two attempts where scholars have tried to define evil. How do you define it? Does your definition agree with those of the scholars? Why or why not? Point to various aspects of Chapter Two to support your response. 2.)Often, the layperson tends to use the terms psychosis and psychopath interchangeably; however, scholars of serial murder know that these are, in fact, not the same thing. In your own words, discuss the differences between these two terms very different terms. Next, provide a discussion of the M’Naughten Rule. Why is insanity a legal term and not a psychiatric distinction? Next, consider serial killer Ed Gein. After reading about him in Chapter Three, do you believe he was suffering from psychosis, or rather was he a psychopath? Take a position either way and support it. It must be evident that you have a clear understanding of these two terms as well as an understanding of Ed Gein’s background. Next, after reflecting upon Chapter Four, discuss how social class theory explains why male serial killers usually select female victims. Finally, in your own words, describe how the trauma-control model of violent behavior explains the cyclical experience of serial offenders. 3.)First, in your own words, analyze and discuss the differences between preparatory paraphilia and attack paraphilia. In your opinion, does having a preparatory paraphilia make an individual inclined toward becoming a serial killer? Fully elaborate. Next, in your opinion, can a person render meaningful consent to be murdered? For example, in the Armin Meiwes’ case, would it be appropriate for prosecutors to seek a lesser charge if the “victim” was clearly a willing participant and volunteered to be murdered? Provide a discussion and point to facts of the Armin Meiwes’ case to bolster your argument. Next, according to the book, after he was apprehended and labeled as a serial killer, Ted Bundy attracted many young female followers, who sent him letters of love and support. During his incarceration in Florida, he even managed to father a child. Does it surprise you that many serial killers, such as Ted Bundy, are able to attract a variety of female admirers and often get married after they are convicted of multiple murders? Why do you think this phenomenon has occurred, and what do these women have to gain from establishing a friendship or relationship with a serial murderer? Fully elaborate. Next, in your opinion, are healthcare killers, especially those who murder multiple victims, sexually motivated? Make an argument either way. Be sure to refer to the course material to support your argument. Finally, fully discuss the role that gender plays in offending patterns and victim selecting among healthcare killers.


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