Scenario: You have been commissioned or hired to work as a paid (outside) consul


Scenario: You have been commissioned or hired to work as a paid (outside) consultant or an (internal) employee—choose which one you would prefer to be—for one of the organizations you examined for this week’s discussion forum. If you decide to be an outside consultant, create a name for your consulting agency. If you decide to be an internal employee, create your job title.
Approach the problem as a professional: You want to provide value to your clients/employer (the organization you select) and help them succeed while giving them value for the money they are paying you to provide recommendations and suggested improvements. You want them to value your assessments, accept your recommendations, and continue using your services and/or refer you for additional similar projects.
Select one organization’s plan from the grouping you already reviewed and analyze it in greater detail to identify the strengths, weaknesses, and recommended improvements. Write an analysis report in the form of a business memo consisting of 2 pages. Use the template below to structure your memo. Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research about strategic planning. Your analysis must include the following:
TO: Organization name
FROM: Your name, Your Position Title (if an employee) or your consulting firm’s name
RE: Plan Name
Executive Summary – Describe the purpose of the analysis
Strengths – Describe two or more strengths of the organization’s plan and why they are strengths.
Areas for Improvements (Weaknesses) – Describe two or more weaknesses and why they need to be improved.
Improvements – Recommend two improvements AND provide your revised recommendation. For instance, if the mission statement is incomplete or weak, create a new stronger mission statement for them to consider. You can also include recommendations about the items below.
Length and readability
Level of detail
Performance measurements
What would help make someone want to read it?!
Summary – Describe what further value you can bring to the organization and any creative or insightful statements you want to make; then wrap up the proposal.
Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.
See the attached plan and choose one to analyze:


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