PHIL 113 Assignment #1 Jeff Noonan “The Life-Value of Death” (10 points) Directi


PHIL 113
Assignment #1
Jeff Noonan “The Life-Value of Death”
(10 points)

PHIL 113
Assignment #1
Jeff Noonan “The Life-Value of Death”
(10 points)
1. Read all of Jeff Noonan’s “The Life-Value of Death” (PDF in Canvas)
2. Answer all the following questions. Questions (-1pt for each question not answered or not answered correctly):
1. Summary:
a. In your own words, summarize the reading as thoroughly as possible. i. Please feel free to quote the author if you would like to do so.
b. In your summary, be sure to answer these questions:
i. What was the author’s conclusion or main point?
ii. What were all of the author’s reasons for believing the conclusion or main point? Explain for each. 2. Response:
a. What did you think of the author’s viewpoint? i. Did you agree or disagree? Explain why as thoroughly as possible. 1. Make sure your response is precisely relevant to the author’s argument and main point and be sure to NOT commit any logical fallacies. Essay Guidelines (-1 pt each if not completed): All essays MUST follow these guidelines:
• Length: 2 full pages in length (minimum, no maximum page limit).
• Font: Times New Roman 12pt font.
• Name: Placed your name on the top left corner of your paper, followed with course name, and the professor’s (my) name. • Spacing: Double spaced lines throughout the entire essay. • Page Numbers: Insert page numbers on the top right of each page. (Your software should have an “Insert Page Number” option. Use the “help” on your software to find out how to do this.)
• Margins: Margins must be no more than 1 inch on all sides.
• Indentions: The first line of each paragraph must be indented. • Spelling: Check the spelling throughout the entire essay.
• Grammar: Make sure you use proper grammar and punctuation. • Essay Structure: make sure you have proper paragraph breaks where needed. • Save File: Save your file as a DOC or DOCX file type. If you do not do this, I will not be able to read it. If I can’t read it, I can’t grade it. If I can’t grade it, you will not get a grade. • Upload: Upload a copy into Canvas for my evaluation and for plagiarism analysis.


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