: In this Assessment, you will be completing your own research in your area of i


: In this Assessment, you will be completing your own research in your area of interest on diversion, reentry, probation and parole, and rehabilitation treatment programs. While conducting your research, you should utilize resources, such as www.crimesolutions.gov, www.nij.gov, www.nicic.gov, and/or current government or peer-reviewed publications to support your responses.
Provide an overview of an evidence-based domestic violence offender rehabilitation treatment program (1-2 paragraphs)
● Determine the effectiveness of an evidence-based domestic violence offender rehabilitation treatment program. Include statistics and any other supporting information that demonstrate the effectiveness. (3-4 paragraphs)
Provide an overview of an evidence-based probation or parole program (1-2 paragraphs)
● Determine the effectiveness of an evidence-based probation or parole program. Include statistics and any other supporting information that demonstrate the effectiveness. (3-4 paragraphs)
Provide an overview of an evidence-based reentry program (1-2 paragraphs)
● Determine the effectiveness of an evidence-based reentry program. Include statistics and any other supporting information that demonstrate the effectiveness. (3-4 paragraphs)
Provide an overview of an evidence-based diversion program (1-2 paragraphs)
● Determine the effectiveness of an evidence-based diversion program. Include statistics and any other supporting information that demonstrate the effectiveness. (3-4 paragraphs)


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