2 Pages Double Spaced Write a one paragraph summary of the primary source not


2 Pages Double Spaced
Write a one paragraph summary of the primary source noting its date of origin, author, contents, potential audience, and purpose.
Discuss how the secondary sources we read interpret this source or others like it.
Explore some of the following questions:
How does this source fit in to the broader narrative of this course?
What do you find surprising or confusing about this piece?
What are some of the author’s biases and what do they leave out?
As a historian, how would you use this source to build your own argument about this period?
Use this to organize your thoughts for class, raising any unanswered questions you may have about this reading or the topic as a whole. While this exercise does not need a standard thesis statement, try to frame your writing as a comprehensible whole instead of disjointed paragraphs.
Primary source: “The selling of Joseph”
Secondary sources: “Brethren by Nature” pg 1-16


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