Please number corresponding number with response: 1. Debbie Silver discusses the


Please number corresponding number with response:
1. Debbie Silver discusses the “Ten C’s of Classroom Management” in the chapter you read. Which ONE of the ten characteristics do you feel you embrace and/or exhibit well in the classroom? Which ONE of the ten characteristics do you feel that you need to spend some time in continuous improvement efforts?
2. After reading chapter four (4) in How the Brain Learns Math, answer the following questions:
What are some of the areas and skills in mathematics that preschoolers and kindergarteners should learn?
What is the difference between sorting and classifying? Give an example of each.
3. In order to engage in Concrete – Representational – Abstract teaching, a teacher must have an understanding of manipulatives and their use in the classroom setting. In this post, discuss your ideas about the role of the teacher in the manipulative work process. Think about planning activities, executing activities, and completing activities. Also, think about management – both of manipulatives and of students engaged with manipulatives. Share your ideas with your colleagues.


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