Write a rough draft that I will use for the next assignment. 1. sUAS application


Write a rough draft that I will use for the next assignment.
1. sUAS application • Weapons Delivery
2. This will be the only country you will report on.
3. Use the attached data Excel spreadsheet to prepare Charts/Graphs in the report rough draft.
For the Graph/ Data tables
When it comes to graphs to visualize the data, think hard about this and spend some time thinking about it. Often, one has to see their data for some time and think about the best way to present it rather than just knowing it should be given a certain way. An example could be ISR UAS, which can range from grams to the massive Global Hawk… what is the best way to present the metrics of these disparate systems, and does it make sense to use an average across such a widespread? Look at your data once you get it compiled, think of ways you could slice and dice it to present it in a more meaningful way that will bring a better message across to the audience, and finally, be sure to format any graphics in a logical and readable format so that the audience could gather all required information just from the graphic (that means using title, subtitle, axis labels, units, and possibly even annotations to add more depth to the graphic).
Also attached is an example paper.


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