PICOT question- In the adults (population), how does a structured medication adh


PICOT question- In the adults (population), how does a structured medication adherence program (Intervention) for prescribed psychiatric medication, as opposed to standard care (Comparison), affect medication adherence rates (Outcome) over six months (Time)?
Note: You are to locate original studies with research conducted and published by the primary investigator. You may also use quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods studies, meta-analyses or Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs). The focus of this assignment is to evaluate pertinent literature that supports the practice change intervention.
Find and review ten (10) scholarly, peer-reviewed research articles, meta-analyses, or CPGs in support of the practice change intervention. Complete the appropriate section in the worksheet for each article.
State the PICOT question
For each article, supply the information for each of the seven headings for the appropriate article type.
All scholarly, peer-reviewed research articles must be current within a 5-year time frame
Use APA 7th edition formatting for references.
For each article:
Scholarly article: US based peer reviewed journal focused for clinicians
Publication date is current within 5 years
Correctly categorizes article type
Completes all seven areas of article analysis
Explains relevance to PICOT question and implications for advanced nursing practice


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