First read the Case Study. You need to address the following questions in your


First read the Case Study. You need to address the following questions in your response:
What similarities and differences do you see between yourself and the case study client? Why might it be important to be aware of our similarities and differences in social work? How does your own life experience shape your opinion about this case?
How would you demonstrate empathy for your client, (be specific to which client and how you would demonstrate empathy)? How is this different than showing sympathy to your client? Discuss if showing empathy would be challenging or not for you, and why.
Explain the differences between micro, mezzo, and macro levels of social work. Give a specific, original example of how a social worker could support the client(s) in the case study on each level.
What client(s) is poverty a presenting concern for? How do you know this?
In what ways would a social worker be able to advocate for your client’s civil rights/social justice? Consider the Advocacy Model in Action (Chapter 4).
Create a combined eco map and genogram for the case study on a power point slide. Include all known family members, relationships, religion, school, activities, community engagement, and strengths of each relationship. Use this reading for reference ( to an external site.). Upload your slide as an image or an attachment .
What is one question that you have about your case study/client and its relation to this week’s module material?
RequirementsPosts should be no less than 300 words and no more than 600 words (not including the eco and geno gram).
Thoroughly addresses the prompt,
Adheres to due date
Peer Reply
Please ensure that you respond to at least one peer in addition to your own post! Be sure to include critical thinking and thoughtful feedback in your response to ensure you earn the full amount of points in your post.
Your replies to peers are expected to encourage and extend the discussion as it relates to the prompt for this module. This can include things like asking open-ended (not yes/no) questions, making counter points, working together to agree or disagree with the course text and each other, etc.
Appropriate peer replies should not simply affirm or close the conversation. This can include things like asking yes/no questions or saying “great job” or “I like your answer” without additional substance.
RequirementsPeer responses are expected to be a minimum of 100 words.
Substantive post – offers feedback, critique, follow-up, or advances the conversation


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