Work with a text by Nancy Mairs On Being a Cripple A Norton Reader Edition, plus


Work with a text by Nancy Mairs On Being a Cripple A Norton Reader Edition, plus at least four outside research sources to explore the challenges facing a particular group of people who don’t necessarily fit in as typical Americans. How can not being seen as normal impact that group in terms of practical difficulties navigating life, how others treat them, and how they see and feel about themselves? What would be the most effective ways to address these difficulties? Don’t try to cover lots of different groups; pick one to focus on that ties in with one or more of the assigned readings to explore in depth. People with disabilities
Check out the feedback your instructor provides on your annotated bibliography. You might need to refine your thesis if it is overly broad, and some of your research sources might need to be replaced if they lack credibility or relevance to your topic.
2. If you write your research paper by making it up as you go along, you won’t be successful, so plan it out first, starting with brainstorming and an outline. Think of the paper as an argument and each paragraph as a building block that contributes to that argument. In high school you were probably taught to have three body paragraphs, but a paper of this length will need more.
3. Write a rough draft of your paper, including the assigned text(s) and research you found.
6. Don’t forget the works cited page in MLA format. Go ahead and include it even though you already submitted an annotated bibliography.
Bibliography of 1st source. Nancy, Mairs. “On Being a Cripple.” The Norton Reader: An Anthology of Nonfiction, edited by Melissa A. Goldthwaite et al., shorter 15th ed., W. W. Norton, 2020, pp. 83-92. In Nancy Mairs “On Being a Cripple”, she reflects on the impact of society’s perceptions of disabilities and her own acceptance of her progressing condition. She begins her essay with why she chooses to refer to herself as a cripple, believing that the other terms try to downplay her identity as a disabled woman. Many disabled people have trouble coming to terms with their identity due to societal judgment. Another important factor is how her diagnosis of multiple sclerosis took some time as doctors had misdiagnosed her or needed more specific symptoms for MS. This is important due to the fact that many disabled people have a difficult time with the American healthcare system. Mairs also speaks on her experience of living with a progressing physical disability, how it affects not only her but her family as well. Mairs also speaks on the challenges many disabled women face in everyday life. The way they are viewed by society, how it feels as a disabled person to see the ideal woman portrayed to always be perfect, and the fear of the future as a disabled person. This is an important document to incorporate in my research paper as it recounts first hand experience of how being disabled greatly affects women’s mental health, how they view themselves, and how society sees them.
Bibliography of 2nd source.
McBride-Henry, Karen, et al. “Disabled People’s Experiences Accessing Healthcare Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review.” BMC Health Services Research, Vol. 23 Issue 1, 2023. p1-38.
The COVID-19 pandemic had a large impact on disabled people and their access to healthcare services. Karen McBride-Henry’s article demands the research and policies that will address the healthcare access situation that disabled individuals faced during the pandemic. Henry also goes into depth of the struggles disabled people faced when trying to access the necessary healthcare services they required. An example is how the Covid pandemic was a hard time for the disabled who needed physical therapy but were not able to due to quarantine. How it affects not only their physical health but mental health as well. The number of obstacles they faced, whether they were intentional or not, still greatly impacted their lives and it is important to address them so they do not happen again. McBride calls to action the funding needed for researchers to study these findings so if another pandemic were to happen, disabled people will not have to face these challenges again. I am able to use this article to support my claims on how disabled people face many challenges in the American healthcare system today, as well as the necessary steps in order to address and prevent them from happening again.


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