1. Visit the US EPA Integrated Risk Information System at https://www.epa.gov/ir


1. Visit the US EPA Integrated Risk Information System at https://www.epa.gov/iris and report on how many chemical agents are “A-Human Carcinogens”. Hint, head to “Browse by Organ/System look at “WOE”. Use the sort feature to list. (WOE = weight of evidence)
2. Now go to IARC (WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer) and search for “Agents Classified by the IARC Monographs”. Look for Group A Confirmed Human Carcinogens”. How many chemical agents are there?
3. Speculate why these 2 authoritative scientific agencies are so different in their numbers.
4. In “A Civil Action”, trichloroethylene is a suspected culprit for the disease in question. What does EPA say about the carcinogenicity of TCE? What does IARC report?


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