First, provide brief reactions (1 paragraph) to one of the following examples of


First, provide brief reactions (1 paragraph) to one of the following examples of media representation that we discussed:
“Framings” of Muslim American Identity (Yazdiha)
Native American Identity Appropriation (Keene, Small-Rodriguez & Davis-Delano)
Criminalization of African American Identity (Adjei-Brenyah)
Normalization of White Identity (All)
Second, search for and identify at least 1 example of a contemporary “controlling image” (see lecture notes). You are free to select the image from any media representation that you like. Be sure to provide a link to the image. Explain the following about the selected image(s):
Why do you consider this image to be a “controlling image”?
What do you think it is trying to represent or convey to society?
How does it shape the way we think about racial/ethnic identity (good or bad)?
Third, provide at least one (1) lingering question that you have about the readings and discussions on representation.


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