Choose one genetically modified organism (GMO), from this GMO Crop List (“https:


Choose one genetically modified organism (GMO), from this GMO Crop List (“”) , or a genetically modified microorganism or animal of your choice. Using your GMO example, answer the following questions: Do some research to identify the gene(s) that have been inserted into this specific GMO’s genome, and the protein(s) that this gene(s) code for. Briefly describe both. Using what you have learned from this week’s textbook chapter about the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology, explain how the inserted gene(s) results in new trait(s) in this specific GMO. Use at least one in-text citation to one of this week’s textbook chapters. Do you believe it is ethical to genetically engineer microorganisms, plants, animals, and humans? Does it depend on the intended outcome? Do you believe the risks outweigh the benefits? Briefly explain your opinion. Include the name of your chosen GMO in the title of your post. Try to choose a GMO not yet described by other students. If you choose the same one, make sure you provide unique information. Cite your sources using in-text citations and full references in APA format.


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