1. **Topic Sentence:** Start with a topic sentence that reflects the claim provi


1. **Topic Sentence:** Start with a topic sentence that reflects the claim provided. For example, if the claim is that “Odysseus was a great hero,” your topic sentence could be, “Odysseus demonstrates the qualities of a true hero through his bravery, intelligence, and leadership.”
2. **Evidence:** Gather specific examples from the text that support the claim. For instance, you could mention how Odysseus showed his bravery by facing the Cyclops, his intelligence by devising the plan to escape from the Cyclops’ cave, and his leadership by ensuring the safety and fair treatment of his men.
3. **Explanation:** After each piece of evidence, explain how it supports your claim. For example, you could write, “This act of bravery not only saved his crew but also proved his courage in the face of danger, a key trait of a hero.”
4. **Transitions:** Use transitions to smoothly connect your ideas. Words like “Furthermore,” “In addition,” and “Similarly” can help guide the reader from one point to the next.
5. **Formal Style:** Make sure your writing is formal and objective. Avoid using slang or overly casual language. Instead of saying “Odysseus was smart,” you could write, “Odysseus demonstrated his intelligence through strategic thinking.”
6. **Sentence Structure:** Ensure that your sentences are complete and avoid fragments or run-ons. Use clauses and phrases to add variety to your sentence structure.


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