These are the following instructions: In a 9 to 10-page paper (not including th


These are the following instructions: In a 9 to 10-page paper (not including the Works Cited page): write to members of Congress asking them to work on policy to eliminate inequalities in our society. Change laws and practices that have maintained the unequal and unjust treatment of minorities on the basis of gender, race and class. These laws and unwritten codes have institutionalized racism, sexism and classism and have naturalized their practice at the detriment of the racial minorities, women and the poor.
Use your judgment as to the most important parts of the paper and allot them more or less space.
In the first one page give a clear thesis of the problem (describe the problem of racism, sexism and/ or classism) Decide on one or two of the three areas you wish to focus on.
One page- using concepts introduced in WOMS 136 theory, explain to members how the social construction of categories we use to group people such as, race, gender, class can lead to unequal treatment of the different groups (the readings in the first section of the text will be very useful for this section, the assumption is that the members are unaware that these categories are socially constructed.)
In the next 2 pages –Explain to them the interlocking nature of the oppression
(racism, sexism, classism) resulting from using these categories. Using personal and other examples describe and show how racism, sexism, and/or classism manifest in everyday life and are still prevalent in the US. Use literature from class texts (remember select one or two of these issues to focus on throughout the paper)
In one page or more, suggest and recommend possible solutions starting with actions that the government should take to bring about change (your personal opinion and recommendation of what actions you want to see taken or legislated by government) and
-In the last one page explain what actions you will personally take to change the situation.
The members of congress are your audience and they are not familiar with this content or approach to understanding issues of gender, race and class. You need to define the selected concept and explain the theories pertaining to the concept and its functions, as we have discussed in class.
Purpose is to get congress to change or improve existing laws and policy that are not working and replace them with better legislation to help the oppressed.
Neatly type the paper, using 12-point font, and double space; please number the pages in the paper. Remember to put your name and title of the paper on the first page.
There should be no grammatical errors. The paper should follow a logical progression.
Put words taken directly from either the book or any article in quotation marks with relevant page numbers and author’s last name and date of publication in parentheses. Use MLA format. (I recommend: The Owl, a publication from Purdue University as an easy starting document to learn how to use different formatting styles).
Attach a bibliography indicating sources used at the end of the paper a minimum of three sources are required. Be sure to respond to all parts of the question especially the section on actions you will personally take.
Turn in the paper on Canvas.
Grading criteria:
An A paper is excellent in all aspects:
Ideas—In an A paper the central idea or thesis is clearly stated, worthy of development and specific; usually the thesis constitutes a thoughtful answer to a question. Clearly indicate the choice of concepts to be discussed in the paper.
Support—An A paper uses evidence appropriately and effectively, providing sufficient and convincing support for its main ideas. Critically evaluate as necessary, and show clear comprehension of any material used.
Organization and coherence—An A paper has a logical structure appropriate to the subject, purpose, audience, and discipline. Usually transitional sentences lead the reader from one idea to the next, and/or identify the logical relations between ideas and thesis.
Style—An A paper shows a clear command of English prose, with words chosen for their precise meanings, and an appropriate level of specificity. Sentence style fits the audience and purpose; sentences are varied, yet clearly structured and carefully focused.
Mechanics—An A paper contains few if any errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar and observes all applicable conventions of format and citation.
A B paper is solid in most respects:
Ideas—A B paper has a clearly stated thesis that responds appropriately to the topic. It demonstrates understanding of the question, acknowledging the central idea’s complexity or significance, but it may handle the ideas in a less sophisticated and effective way.
Support—The B paper offers reasons for supporting the points it makes, using varied kinds of evidence, but the evidence may need further evaluation or qualification. Connections between main ideas and evidence may need some clarifying, and definition of terms may not be smoothly accomplished, but the logic is solid.
Organization—The B paper demonstrates a logical progression of ideas, and offers the reader transitional links; each paragraph relates to the paper‘s central idea, but the connections may be less effective than those of the A paper.
Style—The prose of a B paper is accurate and effective, but may sometimes be too general; sentences are mostly clear and well-structured, though there may be an occasional awkward or ineffective construction.
Mechanics—A B paper may contain a few mechanical or grammatical errors, but they do not impede understanding; format and other considerations are substantially correct and appropriate for the subject.
A C paper is an adequate response to the topic:
Ideas—the C paper responds to the topic, but presents its central idea in general terms, not an appropriate level of specificity and precision. The paper may not offer insights beyond the most obvious, and the thesis does not engage the topic’s key questions with sufficient clarity.
Support—the C paper may exhibit only a basic comprehension of source material, with some lapses in understanding. Definitions may be dictionary quotations, not integrated into a flow of ideas. Depend on unsupported opinion or assume that the evidence speaks for itself; there may be lapses in logic.
Organization—The C paper may list ideas or arrange them ineffectively, transitions are likely to be sequential rather than logical links. While each paragraph relates to the central idea, the flow of ideas may not be smooth, and arrangement of sentences may occasionally be ineffective.
Style—The C paper exhibits some vague word choice or inappropriately general terms, some sentences may be wordy or unfocused or choppy. Meaning may be diffused through awkward constructions and may inappropriately depend on jargon or buzz-words
Mechanics—The C paper may contain some minor mechanical or grammatical errors, but they are not enough to impede understanding.


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