Please observe the conducting rehearsal video (link attached below) and write a


Please observe the conducting rehearsal video (link attached below) and write a paper of at least two pages detailing your observations.
Link to video:
A few questions you may answer include:
1. Describe the physical layout of the ensemble. Do you think there were particular reasons for this layout?
2. Describe the atmosphere of the rehearsal: tense, relaxed, hostile, collegial, etc. How could you tell? (body language, playing/singing, etc.) What the music affected by the mood of the rehearsal? Did the conductor seem to be the cause?
3. How was the rehearsal organized? Was there a lot of detail work, or was it more of a run-through? Do you think the rehearsal plan was a good one?
4. Describe some of the physical gestures of the conductor. Why do you think he/she chose certain gestures, and were they effective? Why or why not?
5. Describe some of the language the conductor used to communicate with the ensemble. What this language effective? Why or why not?
6. Did the playing/singing change for the better (or the worse) in the course of the rehearsal? Do you attribute this to anything the conductor said or did, and if so, what?


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