Many composers kept diaries during their lives. Choose a composer from the twent


Many composers kept diaries during their lives. Choose a composer from the twentieth (or twenty-first) century and an important event from that composer’s life. Consider how this event relates to the music the composer wrote. Write a diary entry related to that event in 1st person voice, as if the composer wrote it (Your choice should not be in the Jazz, blues, pop, rock, rap, or any popular music genres. Not sure? Search < 20th century composers >.). Provide a link to a sound file or YouTube video of the composer’s music, to help classmates become more familiar with this individual’s work. In the subject line for your post, include the composer’s name. List any websites or other sources you used to write your post at the bottom of the post.
Goal: The goal of this Discussion is to explore the life and music of a specific composer from the 20th or 21st century. What is your personal reaction/response to this composer
Learning Outcomes
CO-1: Identify Western music by style and era
LO-1.8: Define the elements of early Modernist music
CO-2: Apply musical terminology, concepts and critical listening skills to a given major composer and style of music
LO-2.7: Discuss the music of Stravinsky, Schoenberg, Riley, Cage, and others
LO-2.8: Apply your knowledge of music of the twentieth century
CO-3: Analyze the social, political, and cultural influences on Western and non-Western music
LO-3.2 Analyze the effects of the Modernist movement on music and art


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