SOC 3393 Final Exam Answer four questions: you MUST answer ONE question from


SOC 3393 Final Exam
Answer four questions: you MUST answer ONE question from

SOC 3393 Final Exam Answer four questions: you MUST answer ONE question from Section A, TWO questions from Section B, and ONE question from Section C.
In total you must write four essays (minimum of 8 pages, total). Your answer for each should consist of an application essay that demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of the sociological traditions and related readings, your ability to think critically about them, and your ability to apply them properly to each question. You must cite directly from the course readings to prove your answers – using only the class lecture notes will result in a failing grade. As with the final paper, this exam will be submitted to SafeAssign by the professor prior to grading.
1. What influence did philosophy have on the Durkheimian tradition and the micro-interactionist tradition? Examine how the history of these traditions evolved from other disciplines, and what concepts from previous discipline informed the key theorists, and allowed them to built their own research and traditions.
2. Compare the micro-interactionist tradition to any of the previous macro-traditions (conflict, rational/utilitarian, Durkheimian). What is the micro-interactionist critique of the macro approach? What concepts do you identify as the strongest/weakest from these theorists? What theorists do you think does the best job of bridging these two ways of studying the micro- and macro-worlds?
3. Examine Durkheim’s claim that social density contributes to (or detracts from) the moral unity of society. How convincing is Durkheim’s explanation of social bonds and social solidarity on the “health” (physical, emotional, mental, moral) of a society? What other theorists from our readings give the strongest support to Durkheim’s ideas, in your view?
4. Discuss Addams’, DuBois’, and Freud’s critical contributions to sociology. Elaborate on your answer using their research, concepts, and theoretical approaches. How, in your view, did they expand the focus of classical sociological theory?
5. Discuss Cooley’s, Mead’s, and Blumer’s theories on the development of the “self”. How do their theories relate back to concepts from previous macro traditions (Durkheimian, conflict, rational/utilitarian)? Which theorist do you consider as having the strongest theory on the “self”?
6. Examine how Addams’ and DuBois set a standard for American sociology. What made their works unique, and how did these works reflect the specific conditions within the U.S.? What challenges to traditional perspectives did they present? How do their theories relate back to concepts from other classical traditions (Durkheimian, conflict, rational/utilitarian, microinteractionist)? 7. How did other academic disciplines (economics, anthropology, history, etc.) and scientific rigor influence the works of Durkheim, Marx, Weber, and the microinteractionist tradition? Give specific examples of this influence to highlight your argument.


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