Module 3 requires you to contextualize your project by reviewing the most releva


Module 3 requires you to contextualize your project by reviewing the most relevant academic literature in your major area of study that is related to your topic. You will share and discuss your findings with classmates.
Module 3 covers the following topics:
Identifying credible and relevant sources
Using a mix of primary and secondary sources 
Nature and purpose of a review of the literature
Ethical implications of writing, quoting, and paraphrasing
After successfully completing Module 3, you should be able to:
MO 3.1 Evaluate academic sources in terms of their contribution to the current research question. 
MO 3.2 Identify credible sources and differentiate between primary and secondary sources. 
MO 3.3 Situate the current research question within the context of the existing literature on the topic. 
Course objectives covered in this module include CO2, CO3, CO4
Textbook Readings
Read Chapters 7 and 8 in Lester and Lester, Writing Research Papers.
Additional Material
Literature Review Template 
Research Guides (University of Southern California Library) 
The Literature Review 
Primary Sources
Secondary Sources 
Module 3 has two activities. Please consult the Course Calendar for the due dates.
Written Assignment 5
In Written Assignment 5, respond to the following questions.
An important part of researching a topic is identifying where scholars disagree with each other. Regarding your topic, how have scholars in the discipline of your major area of study reached different conclusions or held different points of view?”  How has this helped you refine or update your thesis? Share one example of a debate, controversy, or inconsistency that you have discovered. Explain how understanding this issue has helped you situate your topic and how you will explain this issue to your reader. [MO 3.1, MO 3.2]
I’ve attached the first 2 writing assignments so you have an idea of the capstone project to continue with assignment 5, as soon as I have assignments 3 and 4 to add to the capstone I will submit it to you.
Thank you


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