Mimim this proposal below from a consulting company that I didn’t go with due to


Mimim this proposal below from a consulting company that I didn’t go with due to bad reviews:
Thank you for sharing your dissertation with me. The focus of your study on Exploring Leadership and Student Perspectives on Addressing Insufficient Tutoring in Nursing Colleges: A Qualitative Phenomenological Descriptive Study could provide beneficial insights. The challenges these students face have a far-reaching impact on healthcare at large, influencing dropout rates and the broader nursing shortage.
Since we specialize in nursing research as one of our core specializations, we have a clear understanding of the systemic changes needed in nursing education and research like this is what, over time, helps to improve best practices. With your targeted population encompassing undergraduate nursing students and college administration leaders across accredited institutions in the U.S., your work promises to provide insights that could contribute to much-needed reforms.
Acknowledging the urgency of your request( Due date enter here..) we’re ready to provide expedited assistance. Our expertise in qualitative research design, aligned with the methodological standards of the American College of Education, is fully at your disposal. To support your endeavor efficiently, our team is prepared to help with the selection, (description ,creation and validation by SME’)of the most appropriate data collection instruments, ensuring that every aspect of your research methodology is robust and tailored to your study’s specific needs. Here is the approach we will take.
Introduction: We will begin by ( looking at your draft , edit the summarized ) background of the topic in a concise paragraph, ensuring that the context is clear and sets the stage for the rest of the chapter. Specifically, we will draw from your document to highlight the persistent issue of insufficient tutoring services in nursing colleges and its impacts on student outcomes (Geesa 2020; Hakim 2023). Following this, we will restate the problem and purpose statements with exact wording, ensuring alignment with the research questions.
Research Methodology, Design, and Rationale:
Methodology: We will specify, describe, and justify the chosen qualitative phenomenological descriptive study methodology. This approach is ideal for deeply understanding the lived experiences and perspectives of the participants. By citing experts such as ( review appropriate experts provided)Creswell and Creswell (2022) we will emphasize the appropriateness of this methodology for capturing the essence of the participants’ experiences.
Design: The purpose and applications of the phenomenological descriptive design will be detailed, explaining why this design is suitable for answering your research questions. We will describe how this design allows for an in-depth exploration of the phenomenon of insufficient tutoring services, citing Moustakas (1994) and  ( review appropriate experts provided) to support our rationale.
Type of Design: If applicable, we will identify and justify the specific type of design, such as descriptive only . By using cited information from research experts like Moustakas (1994), we will ensure the chosen design is well-supported and appropriate for the study’s objectives.
Role of the Researcher: We will explain the role of the researcher in detail, including your responsibility in designing the study, collecting data, analyzing findings, and drawing conclusions. We will address any potential ethical issues, such as conflicts of interest or power differentials with participants, ensuring transparency and integrity in the research process. Strategies for managing biases and ensuring data reliability, such as triangulation and reflexivity, peer review will be thoroughly discussed, supported by citations from experts like Carter et al. (2014) and Dodgson (2019).
Research Procedures:
Population and Sample Selection: We will define the target population, provide estimated total sizes, and describe the sample size and rationale, ensuring the sample is representative and relevant to the research questions. We will specify, describe, and justify the sampling method, supported by citing experts such as Guill et al. (2020) and Hennink and Kaiser (2022). Inclusion and exclusion criteria for sample selection will be clearly outlined to ensure the study’s rigor.
Recruitment: The procedures for obtaining site permissions, recruiting participants, and ensuring informed consent will be detailed. We will explain how participants will be contacted and informed about the study and how consent will be obtained, referencing the necessary letters, forms, and sources. Ethical guidelines and measures to protect participant confidentiality and data security will be emphasized, citing relevant sources such as Adarmouch et al. (2020) and Fons-Martinez et al. (2022).
Data Instrument: We will identify each data collection instrument using level 2 headings for clarity. Each instrument’s alignment with the research questions will be justified, and the rationale for their development will be provided. We will explain why selected historical or legal documents, if used, are the best data sources and how they ensure reliability and trustworthiness. Detailed justifications will be supported by citations from experts like Creswell and Creswell (2022) and Merriam and Tisdell (2015).
Instrument Validation: For all researcher-created instruments, we will describe the procedures in their development, including steps to establish content validity, field-testing, and revisions. If published instruments are used, we will detail their developers, publication year, type, appropriateness for the study, and any necessary permissions(will be obtained with justification listed in appendix in the form of screenshot with evidence of request for permission and evidence that permission was given in the form of email communication from my student account to which I’ll provide access to. Please see Larsons’ student dissertation example in APPENDIX SECTION OF HIS PAPER). We will ensure the reliability and validity of each instrument, citing sources like Hakim (2023)( not only in text but with justification listed in appendix in the form of screenshot with evidence of request for validation and evidence that validation was given with critique notes from validator who actively teaches in college with their title and letter head , logo and full name , signature ,title  confirming that validation is provided in a form of email communication from my student account to which I’ll provide access to. Please see Larsons’ student dissertation example in APPENDIX SECTION OF HIS PAPER).
Data Collection: We will describe the data collection process in a step-by-step manner, providing detailed information on how data will be collected, including the location, events, respondents( recoding script sample and then validated comments by 3 SMEs)technology used, and methods for recording. Each step will be supported by citations from research design experts such as Creswell and Creswell (2022), ensuring a comprehensive and transparent approach.
Data Analysis: We will select an evidence-based model for data analysis, outlining each step in detail. The process for preparing, analyzing, and explaining the data will be thoroughly described, including the use of software tools like NVivo. Detailed procedures for coding the data, such as manual or computer-assisted coding, will be provided, ensuring clarity and rigor in the analysis (Raskind et al., 2019).
Reliability and Validity: We will explain the proposed steps for ensuring reliability and validity, using citations from experts to support each strategy. This section will include detailed explanations of strategies for transferability, trustworthiness, credibility, and dependability, ensuring each is appropriately implemented and cited (Carter et al. 2014; Dodgson 2019).
Ethical Procedures: We will display an awareness of legal and ethical requirements for human subjects protection, detailing the arrangements and procedures to protect participants. We will explain how and when potential participants will provide informed consent, ensuring all activities are covered in the consent forms. References to letters, forms, and instruments pertinent to IRB review and approval will be included in the order mentioned in the text. Ethical issues related to research in one’s workplace, data confidentiality, and data destruction will be thoroughly considered and addressed, citing sources like Fons-Martinez et al. (2022) and Sivanadarajah et al. (2017).


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