– At the start of each round the Game Counter is displayed on the rightmost two


– At the start of each round the Game Counter is displayed on the rightmost two digits of the BASYS3 7-segment display. The left two digits are off.
– A go_i signal is given (pushbutton btnC is pressed) to start the next round.
– In each round, a random 5-bit binary value, the target number, is selected and displayed on the two leftmost digits and the 5-bit Game Counter (still displayed on the rightmost digits) is set to 1f.
– After 2 seconds the Game Counter begins to decrement every quarter second.
– The Game Counter will keep decrementing, rolling under to 1f (31 decimal) after reaching 0.
– When the stop_i signal is given (pushbutton btnU) the Game Counter stops decrementing.
– At this point, if the value of the Game Counter matches the target number, then all 4 display digits flash for four seconds in unison.
– If the value of the Game Counter does not match the target number, then all 4 display digits flash for four seconds, with the target number and Game Counter digits alternating as they flash.
– The flashing continues for four seconds and then the leftmost digits are again blank and a new round can begin with a go_i signal.
– Each time the player succeeds in matching the target, one more LED lights up beginning with the rightmost.
– If all 16 LEDs are lit, and the target number was matched, then the game has been won. After the digits flashes for 4 seconds, all 16 LEDs flash, and no button, except btnR will have an effect.
– To make the game easier to win (without 17 matches), pressing btnL will be a cheat switch that will load the switches into the LEDs (or actually the shift register holding the values of the LEDs).
On the BASYS3 board,
– PushButton btnC drives the go_i signal.
– PushButton btnU drives the stop_i signal.
– PushButton btnL will load the switches into the LEDs.
– PushButton btnR drives the synchronous active-low global reset rst_ni.
– The BASYS3 clock clk_100 is an input of your top level, but will not be part of your logic. It is connected only to the clk_100M_to_clk_1k and clk_100M_to_clk_4 clock divider modules, which divides the 100 MHz clock into 1 kHz and 4 Hz respectively.
you will need to run make lint and make sim, make gls to make sure all cases pass. you will need to do stop_it.sv maybe modify some code files that are mentioned in the pdf, other than that you don’t change anything, I have all docs provided. As well as the assignment pdf. IF you are using AI to do this, It won’t work. i already tried. The only file you can modify are:
– “synth/basys3/Basys3_Master.xdc”
– “rtl/game_counter.sv”
– “rtl/led_shifter.sv”
– “rtl/lfsr.sv”
– “rtl/stop_it.sv”
– “rtl/time_counter.sv”
– “rtl/basys3/basys3_7seg_driver.sv”
– “rtl/basys3/hex7seg.sv
for the all the flip flop, you only use Posedge clk, don’t add (or negedge rst_ni).
This is the game video,


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