Heart disease is the #1 killer of men and women in the US, but many cases are pr


Heart disease is the #1 killer of men and women in the US, but many cases are pr

Heart disease is the #1 killer of men and women in the US, but many cases are preventable. There are important steps you can take to lower your risk.
This interactive tool estimates your risk of coronary heart disease and provides personalized tips for prevention. Anyone can use it, but it’s most accurate for people who have never had any type of heart disease. If you have heart disease, be sure to talk to your doctor about your risk.
To estimate your risk of heart disease and learn about ways to lower that risk, take a few minutes to answer some questions about your health, background, and lifestyle. Your Disease Risk can’t tell if you’ll get heart disease or not, but it can tell you where to focus your prevention efforts—because the best way to fight heart disease is to stop it before it starts!
1.Get to the assessment page by clicking on the link below.
Mayo Clinic Heart Disease Risk CalculatorLinks to an external site.
2. Begin the Heart Disease Risk Calculator by entering your information and selecting “Continue”.
3. Continue to enter your personal information on each page and the select “Continue”.
4. After you complete each page, you will receive a “30 year risk” percentage and a “Take action” section that shows your lowered risk if you begin some suggested lifestyle changes. 5. Take a screenshot (as in the example above) of your full results (save as a .png, .jpeg, or .pdf). It must include the following for full credit:
Your 30-year Heart Disease Risk percentage
Your Take action percentage (If 30-year percentage is very low, you may not receive this percentage)
Your suggested lifestyle changes
6. Submit your saved screenshot (.jpeg, .png, or .pdf) that includes all required information for 10 points.


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