No CHATGPT or AI, I will hire you for future work if you provide quality work. M


No CHATGPT or AI, I will hire you for future work if you provide quality work. M

No CHATGPT or AI, I will hire you for future work if you provide quality work. My next work is an essay I’m planning on paying $150 for, for 5 pages 🙂
Paper 2 Guidelines
Your paper is due by 11:59pm on Friday, May 3. No late papers will be accepted without documentation of extenuating circumstances. You can upload your finished paper to Canvas.
Access the following article: Pamela J. Smock and Christine R. Schwartz. 2020. “The Demography of Families: A Review of Patterns and Change”. Journal of Marriage & Family 82: 9-34.
Smock and Schwartz – The Demography of Families.pdfDownload Smock and Schwartz – The Demography of Families.pdf
After accessing the article, read the Introduction section and answer the following question (in 2 to 3 sentences):
1. What is the framework/subtheme employed by the paper?
Then read ONE of the following sections: Marriage & Remarriage; Divorce; Cohabitation; or Fertility. 2. After reading this section, explain the main findings summarized in that section of the article and connect these findings back to the framework/subtheme of the article (in 1 to 2 pages).
Then read ONE of the following sections: Same-Gender Unions; Immigrant Families; or Children’s Living Arrangements.
3. After reading this section, explain the main findings summarized in that section of the article and connect these findings back to the framework/subtheme of the article (1 to 2 pages).
Your paper does not need to be essay format, but it still should be double spaced, with 12-point font and blue or black ink. Please use a professional font (Garamond, Times New Roman, Cambria, Verdana are good fonts to use).
Include a header with your name, the date, and the title of the course.
Please include page numbers anywhere on your paper.
You DO NOT need to include references or a works cited.


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