Directions: Select a community-acquired infectious disease from a past or recent


Select a community-acquired infectious disease from a past or recent

Select a community-acquired infectious disease from a past or recent outbreak within your community (exclude COVID viruses). Examples of infectious diseases can be found on the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases website.
Start with an introduction in the narrative format that briefly explains the infectious disease and why you chose the infectious disease.
After the introduction, you will insert the table from this template: “Chain of Infection”
Please single space the table; the rest of the document should be double-spaced as required for APA format.
Answer each question in the table.
After the table, you will provide a concluding paragraph that includes a self-reflection on the impact of the chosen infectious disease in your community.
Use at least three (3) scholarly references to obtain your information.
The assignment should be 3-4 pages (including the title and reference page).
Your writing assignment should:
follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and;
use APA 7th edition formatting and citation style.
Copy this table and insert it directly into your paper
2. Select an infectious disease from a past or recent outbreak within your community
3. Complete the table including
a. Provide detailed information for each component of the chain of infection:
i. agent;
ii. reservoir(s);
iii. portal(s) of exit;
iv. mode(s) of transmission;
v. portal(s) of entry; and 
vi. host characteristics
b. Include one preventive intervention for each component of the chain.
4. Single-space the content of the table (the rest of the paper should be double spaced)
5. Follow the other specific instructions for this assignment
Chain of Infection
Description of each Component of the Chain of Infection
Potential Interventions
or Prevention (Identify Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Prevention)
Portal(s) of Exit
Mode(s) of Transmission 
Portal(s) of Entry
Host Characteristics
Please use the table single-spaced and use the Infectious Disease TB in East Harlem. 


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