A primary source report for a final fashion research paper The final paper’s top


A primary source report for a final fashion research paper
The final paper’s top

A primary source report for a final fashion research paper
The final paper’s topic would be: The
Roaring Twenties and The Swinging Sixties
The primary source report is about my visit to the online archive of the Museum at FIT, I initially want to write a research paper only focused on the 1920s fashion, but after the archive visit, I saw garments of the 1960s and realized that there’re so many similarities between the 1920s and the 1960s not only the garments but also the social change and fashion trend. So after the research on the online archive and the analysis of the two dresses, I decide to slightly changed my research direction and focused on both the 20s and 60s and will reflect on the two decades’ fashion movements.


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